West Bengal HS Toppers List 2023 (Out) Top 10 PDF WB HS Highest Marks
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West Bengal HS Toppers List 2023 (Out) Top 10 PDF WB HS Highest Marks

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From March 14 to March 27, 2023, West Bengal HS exam was given. Many kids from numerous schools across the state took part in this exam at various sites. Every youngster will pass this exam with good results because of the exam’s high standards. Five papers totaled 500 total points for this exam. Each paper in this exam carries a total score of 100. In these 100 marks, 80 of them were for a written paper, while the remaining 20 were for internal assignments or projects. For practical topics (such as physics, chemistry, and biology), the distribution of marks is 70 for the theoretical paper and 30 for the practical.

Visit www.wbbchse.wb.gov.in to view the results for students who took the higher secondary exams. On May 24, the outcome will be made public.

HS Toppers List 2023

WB HS 2023 Overall of Percentage of Passed Girls & Boys

Total number of Candidates appeared824891
Total number of Students Passed737807
Overall pass percentage89.25%
Overall pass percentage of Girls86.3%
Overall pass percentage of Boys91.86%

There were 87 students overall who made the top ten merit list this year, 46 of whom were men. Three of the 87 candidates are from Kolkata, while 12 are from South 24 Parganas and 18 are from the Hooghly district.Along with the West Bengal Uchcha Madhyamik result 2023, the board announced the names of the top students. Students may review the list of top performers:

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WB HS Topper List 2023 Percentage Wise


Student Name

1stSubharangshu Sardar496
2ndSushma Khan495
2ndAbu Sama495
3rdAnusua Saha494
3rdPiyali Das494
3rdShreya Mallik494
4thSrijita Basak493
4thNarendranath Banerjee493
4thPrerona Pal493

How to Check Online WBCHSE Toppers List 2023

We are offering a process that will be helpful to each student while reviewing their results and obtaining the list of exam winners.

  • Students must first visit the West Bengal Education Board’s official website at www.wbchse.wb.gov.in.
  • You are now on the homepage; check any results-related notifications and click on them.
  • Discover alerts for higher secondary results
  • When you provide the necessary details and press “Submit,” the results will appear on your screen.
  • Open the notification you found for the topper list, and the topper list will appear on your screen.

West Bengal HS Toppers 2023 List District Wise

Everything related to the West Bengal High Secondary Topper List 2023 has been covered in this article. We hope that we were able to answer all of your questions and concerns about the West Bengal Higher Secondary Topper List 2023. Despite this, students are welcome to ask us any questions they may have at any time in the comment space provided below. With the aid of our specialists, we’ll do our best to answer all of your questions as fast as we can. Remain in touch with us for additional updates and information. Many thanks for coming.

WB HS Toppers 2023 List PDF Download

Article TypeWest Bengal HS 2023 Topper List
Board NameWest Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education
Exam NameHigher Secondary 12th Exam 2022-23
Exam DateMarch 14 to March 27 2023
Article categoryResult
WB HS Rank List & District Wise Topper List 2023 Release Date24 May 2023
HS State First Highest Mark in West Bengal 2023Subharangshu Sardar
Passing Marks30%
Official Websitewww.wbchse.nic.in

wbresults.nic.in 2023 HS Result

Subharangshu Sardar
Subharangshu Sardar

Suvranshu Sardar from Ramakrishna Mission School in Narendrapur, according to the board’s comments during the press conference, is the top student from West Bengal. He received a total score of 496 out of 500.

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Susama Khan from Bankura Banga Vidyalaya

Abu Sama from Ramkrishnapur Pramode Dasgupta Memorial High School

Additionally, the board has also announced that 4 students have ranked 3rd with a score of 494 out of 500.

WB HS Result 2023 Toppers List

In West Bengal, students from every stream entered the Higher Secondary Examination, totaling over 8.5 lakh. According to recent higher secondary exam results, students need to get at least 490 out of a possible 500 points to place first. The board will also publish the toppers list at the official website along with the West Bengal High Secondary Result 2023, which will include a list of the students who received the highest scores. In addition, the West Bengal Board will also publish a list of the state and district top scorers for each stream in the newspaper. We will include a direct link to the topper list at the bottom of this article after the results are announced.

For the topper of this exam (approximately top 100) chief minister Mamta Banerjee announce scholarship of 10000 rupees for each of them.

WB Uccha Madhyamik Result 2023 Category-Wise Statistics

Students from minority populations pass with an average of 87.58%. For updates, see below:

CategoryPass Percentage
Minority Community87.58%

WB Uccha Madhyamik Result 2023 District Wise Percentage

East Mendipur94.75% (Top)

Congratulates all the rank holders from Cademy India Team

FAQ: West Bengal Higher Secondary topper list 2023

Q.1 When the West Bengal High Secondary Result 2023 will be released?

Answer: The result will be released on 24th of May 2023 approximately.

ALSO READ :  West Bengal HS Result 2023: W.B. Higher Secondary Result উচ্চমাধ্যমিক রেজাল্ট ২০২৩

Q.2 Where I can see my result?

Ans. Every student can get their result at official web site of west Bengal board, At www.wbchse.wb.gov.in.

Q.3 Minimum passing marks for exam?

Ans: 30% or 30 marks in each paper.

Q.4 Is there any prize after become a topper?

Ans. Scholarship of 10000 rupees by chief minister of state.

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