HS English Three Questions (Prose) PDF | উচ্চমাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি  Question and Answer
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HS English Three Questions (Prose) PDF | উচ্চমাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি  Question and Answer

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Important Notes (Descriptive Questions-Answers for West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education Class 12 Students): Three Questions. DAQ/LAQ-style queries and responses. Get ready now to do well on the West Bengal HS Final Exam.

Three Questions:

1. How was the injured man cared for in the hermit’s hut?

Answer: The Tsar and the hermit loosened the wounded man’s garments in the “Three Questions” fable. The injured guy collapsed to the ground when he arrived at the hermit’s hut. He was groaning and looked quite weak. The Tsar became aware of the man’s stomach wound at that point. The Tsar washed it right away. He covered the wound with a towel from the hermit and his handkerchief. However, the blood kept flowing. Warm blood seeped into the bandage. They cleaned and dressed the wound once more. The injured man sought to drink water as he came to his senses. Fresh water was served to him right away by the Tsar. They carried the injured guy to the hermit’s hut and placed him on the hermit’s bed. He fell asleep right away, regaining his life.

2. What were the three Questions that the Tsar had? Why did he require accurate responses to such queries? What did he do when he wasn’t happy with the knowledgeable men’s responses?

Answer: The three queries that sprang to the Tsar’s mind were:

  1. When exactly should any work be started.
  2. To whom should one accord far greater value than to everyone else in life?
  1. What was the most crucial task in life?

To succeed in all facets of his existence, the Tsar needed to have the right answers to these questions. Tsar was not pleased with the responses provided by learned men. He did not award anyone as a result.

3. The hermit said, “You have already received an answer.” What were the hermit’s responses to the Tsar’s three inquiries?

Answer: In Leo Tolstoy’s short story “Three Questions,” a specific Tsar had difficulty finding the correct answers to three questions. So he welcomed a lot of academics to his royal court. Each group provided a response. But each individual responded differently. Therefore, the Tsar was unimpressed by their responses. Finally, he made the decision to visit a hermit who lived in the woods and get all the answers.

The hermit first argues that since men have no control over the past or the future, the most crucial period is “now” or the present.

Second, since it is impossible to predict whether a guy would interact with anyone else in the future, the most crucial person is the one with whom he is currently in contact.

Thirdly, helping others is the most vital endeavour because that is the only reason a man is born.

4. “The Tsar was so tired with the walk and the work he had done that he crouched down on the threshold and fell asleep.”-Where did the Tsar walk and why? What work had he done? How did he sleep?

Answer: The Tsar got off his horse and travelled some distance to the hermit’s hut.

The Tsar got off his horse and started walking since he was aware that the hermit was actually a regular person and not a recluse.

He used a spade to dig two seedbeds at the hermit’s cabin till dusk. A hurt guy arrived at the hermit’s hut. He then attended to the wounded man who had collapsed in front of him. He cleaned the man’s wound and multiple times bandaged it.

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With his walk and efforts, the Tsar was worn out. Due to his exhaustion, he had a restful sleep.

5. What happened to the man with the beard? How did he get saved? What ultimately did he do?

Answer: The hermit observed a bearded guy come sprinting out of the wood when the Tsar finally asked him to respond to his three questions. He had an injury to his abdomen. When he emerged from an ambush to attack the Tsar, he was wounded by the Tsar’s bodyguard. His brother had been killed by the Tsar and his possessions taken.

He spilled blood. The Tsar repeatedly bandaged him along with the hermit. As a result, the blood flow ceased. He was placed on a bed by the Tsar, who then nursed him to sleep.

The bearded guy eventually admitted his mistake and begged the Tsar for forgiveness. He pledged to be the Tsar’s obedient slave.

6. What was the third question of the Tsar? How was this answered by the learned men? Was the Tsar satisfied with the answers to the three questions by the learned men? What did he decide to satisfy his curiosity?

Answer: What was the most crucial action to take? was the Tsar’s third query. Or, what was the most significant job?

Some people responded that science was the most significant thing in the world in response to the third question. Others argued that it was military prowess, and others countered that it was devotion to a deity.

No, the answers provided by the knowledgeable individuals to the three questions did not satisfy the Tsar.

The Tsar ultimately made the decision to visit the knowledgeable hermit who lived in a woods.

7. “All the answers being different, the Tsar agreed with none o them.-What were the questions to which the Tsar got different answers? Whom did the Tsar decide to consult when he was not satisfied? Where did that person live? What was he famous for? (3+1+1+1) [H.S. Exam 2018]

Answer: In the story “Three Questions,” the Tsar was plagued by the three problems of when to start things, who to involve, and what was the most crucial thing to do. He was curious in the solutions. He received various responses from all the knowledgeable men.

When the Tsar was not happy with those responses, he made the decision to consult a hermit.

The hermit had a home in a forest.

He was renowned for his sage advice.

8. “For the last time, I pray you, to answer my questions, wise man” – Who said this? Who was the wise man? When did the speaker say this? What was the answer?

Answer: The Tsar stated that.

The wise man was the hermit.

The Tsar stated this before leaving the hermit’s house the following morning.

His questions, the hermit said, had previously been addressed. The most crucial time, according to the, was right now. He clarified that the most crucial moment was right now, the most crucial individual was the Tsar, and the most crucial task was to be kind to him.

9. Why did the Tsar not agree with the answers of the learned men? Whom did the Tsar decide to consult again? What was the person famous for? How did the Tsar go to visit this person?

Answer: Because each question was unique, the Tsar did not concur with the learned men’s responses.

The Tsar chose to speak with the hermit once more.

The hermit was renowned for his sage advice.

The Tsar was aware that the hermit only interacted with regular people. He therefore dressed simply. He dismounted his horse and went on foot to the hermit’s cabin in the woods. The Tsar then travelled to see the hermit.

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10. How did the Tsar nurse the wounded man?10. How did the Tsar nurse the wounded man?

Answer: When the bearded man collapsed in Leo Tolstoy’s short novel “Three Questions,” the Tsar began to tend to him. The Tsar was able to see the man’s big stomach wound after the hermit helped him undo his garments. With his own handkerchief and a cloth from the hermit, the Tsar wrapped the wound after washing it as best he could. However, the blood keeps flowing. The Tsar had to clean and bandage the wound numerous times. The blood flow subsequently halted. The wounded guy was given new water to drink by the Tsar. The Tsar brought the undead guy to the hermit’s hut with the aid of the hermit and laid him on the hermit’s bed. The injured man so felt relief and eventually dozed off. The wounded guy was spared certain death by the Tsar in this way.

11. What were the questions that the Tsar wanted to be answered? Why did he need the answer? Why was he dissatisfied with the answers given by the scholars and learned men? [3+1+2 = 6] [H.S. = 2020]

Answer: The Tsar wanted to be answered three questions. They are –

  • 1)What is the right time to begin anything?
  • 2)Who are the right people to listen to and whom to avoid?
  • 3)What is the most important thing to do?

If he knew the answers to these questions, he would never fail in any task that he would undertake.

He was dissatisfied with the answers given by the scholars and learned men because their answers were mismatched to one another and the Tsar agreed with none of them.

12. What were the questions that had occurred to the Tsar? Why did he need correct answers to those questions? What did he do when he was not satisfied with the answers of the learned men? [3+1+2 = 6] [H.S. = 2016]

Answer: See the answer to question No. 1 [for the first two questions]

The Tsar decided to consult a hermit when he was not satisfied with the answers of the learned men.

13. “All the answers being different, the Tsar agreed none of them.” – What were the questions to which the Tsar got different answers? Whom did the Tsar decide to consult when he was not satisfied? Where did the person live whom the Tsar decided to consult? What was he famous for? [3+1+1+1 = 6] [H.S. = 2018 & 2022 ]

Answer: The questions to which the Tsar got different answers were – 1)What was the right time to begin anything? 2)Who were the right people to listen to and whom to avoid? 3)What was the most important thing to do?

When the Tsar was not satisfied with the answers to these questions, he decided to consult a hermit.

The hermit lived in a wood.

He was famous for his wisdom.

14. How was the wounded man revived and nursed? Why did he ask forgiveness of the Tsar? What did the Tsar do when he had gained the man for a friend? [2+2+2 = 6] [H.S. = 2019 & 2022 ]

Answer: A bearded man came running out of the wood and fainted before the Tsar and the hermit. He had a large wound in his stomach and blood was flowing profusely. They unfastened his clothes. The Tsar washed and bandaged the wound again and again until the blood ceased flowing. In this way, the wounded man was nursed and finally revived.

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The bodyguard of the Tsar recognized the man as the Tsar’s enemy and wounded him severely. It was the Tsar who took utmost care of him to revive his life. He realized that he would have died if he was not looked after by the Tsar. This act of kindness changed the heart of the bearded man. He repented for his actions and asked for forgiveness.

The Tsar was very pleased to gain the man as a friend. He offered to send his servants and his own physician to attend to him. He also promised to give back his seized property.

15. How did the Tsar nurse the wounded man? [6] [H.S. = 2015]

Answer:. A wounded man came running out of the wood and fainted before the Tsar. When the Tsar unfastened the man’s clothing with the help of the hermit, he noticed a large wound in his stomach. Blood was flowing abundantly. He washed and bandaged the wound with his handkerchief and with the hermit’s towel. Whenever the bandage was soaked with warm blood, he was removing it. Finally, the blood ceased flowing and the man revived. When the man asked for something to drink, he brought fresh water and drank him. The Tsar with the help of the hermit carried him into the hut and lay on the bed. In this way, the Tsar nursed the wounded man.

16. Why did the bearded man become an enemy of the Tsar? What did the man swear and resolve to do? Why did he ask forgiveness of the Tsar and what did he promise him? [1+2+3 = 6] [H.S. = 2017]

Answer: The bearded man became an enemy of the Tsar because the Tsar executed his brother and seized his property.

The man swore to take revenge on the Tsar for his brother’s execution and for seizing his property. He also resolved to kill the Tsar on his return from the hermit.

When the man was severely wounded by the bodyguard, it was the Tsar who nursed him carefully and revived his life. He realized that he would have died if he was not looked after by the Tsar. This act of the Tsar changed the wounded man’s mind and he asked for forgiveness.

        The man promised to serve the Tsar as the most faithful slave and he would also employ his sons to do the same.

17. Do you agree with or accept the hermit’s final answers to the Tsar’s three questions? Discuss.

Answer:  Yes, I do agree with the answers with examples given by hermit.

The hermit’s first answer, relating to the ‘right time’ is always ‘now’. It is the most important time because it is the only time when one has any power. 

The hermit’s second answer, relating to the right person is he/she with whom one is. That man might be good or bad. 

The hermit’s third answer, relating to the most important work is to do good to others. That is the most important purpose of one’s life.

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